
Coral Gables

West Kendall


Celebrate Older Americans and Better Hearing Month

2019-07-29T20:14:12+00:0017 May 2018|Hearing Education, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss|

May is reserved as both Older Americans Month and Better Hearing Month, making it the perfect time to start the conversation about age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis. A third of adults over 60 experience hearing loss and that number increases to half for adults over 75. Depression, anxiety, social isolation and an overall decreased quality of life, are all highly possible for those with unmanaged hearing loss .

This year’s themes for Older Americans Month and Better Hearing Month are Engage at Every Age and Celebrate the Sounds of Your Life, which are both a call for living your best possible life. In fact, those who opt for hearing loss solutions reap the benefits in their everyday lives, including:

  • A reduced risk of income loss by 90 to 100 percent and improved work performance
  • A reduced risk of cognitive decline associated with hearing loss
  • Increased alertness and improved balance in older adults, reducing the risks of falls

Additionally, research by Better Hearing Institute revealed that people who use hearing aids feel more confident, optimistic, more active and social, than those who do not.

This May, celebrate Older Americans Month and Better Hearing Month by interacting with younger generations, reconnecting with friends and family, adding physical activity to your routine, eating better, and taking on new challenges. Seek ways to enrich your mental, physical, and emotional well-being, starting with getting your hearing evaluated.

Though hearing loss cannot be reversed, there are options to manage it and add more life to your years! Take control of your hearing health and contact New Generation Hearing Centers today for a free consultation.