
Coral Gables

West Kendall

Managing Hearing Loss and COVID During the Holidays

2020-12-23T15:48:40+00:0023 December 2020|Hearing Health, Hearing Loss|

holiday hearing tips

The holiday season is here! While normally this is the time for celebration with friends and family, the Coronavirus pandemic has transformed how we gather. For the hearing impaired, holiday festivities can already be a bit overwhelming and COVID safety guidelines and recommendations are adding to that frustration. Fortunately, there are still ways to make the holidays feel special this year despite the obstacles. Check out these tips:

  • To avoid catching or spreading COVID, it is best to stay home and maintain social distancing. However, you can still see family and friends by taking advantage of technology such as video calls and group streaming apps. Connect your digital hearing aids to your smart device via Bluetooth for the best sound quality.
  • If you are having a small gathering, consider providing your guests with clear face masks. Facial expressions and lip reading are often helpful to the hearing impaired, so these are a better option over traditional face masks.
  • If you are a hearing aid wearer, be sure to grab face mask extenders to make wearing your mask with your hearing aids easier and more comfortable.
  • If you plan to attend an event or gathering, take advantage of mobile apps that accompany your hearing aids. Through these apps you can easily tune and update hearing settings in real-time to ensure the best hearing quality in any setting. Popular hearing aid manufactures such as Phonak, Oticon, and ReSound having mobile apps for their latest hearing aids.

For more tips on navigating your hearing loss during the holidays, check out our previous blog. For questions regarding hearing loss or hearing aids, contact the experts at New Generation Hearing Centers.